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Rickie Traeger: My Paranormal Experience…

enter at your own risk

Welcome to Rickie Traeger
Personal website.

 My virtual playground…

Enter at your own risk! 

You must be 18+ or older
To view my website. 


What you may or may not find on Rickie Traeger website… 

  • Bigfoot: Myth or Reality? Investigating the Enigma
  • Ghostly Encounters: Firsthand Accounts and Skepticism Explored
  • From Aliens to Atmospheric Anomalies: Bizarre Sky Encounters
  • Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Lesser-Known Cryptids
  • Tickle Your Funny Bone
  • Amateur Radio Revealed: Delving into the Thrilling Hobby of HAM Radio
  • When Skies Turn Angry: Exploring the Impact of Severe Weather

Wonder what will Rickie be posting about today?  

Let’s Find Out!


Today,  I feel like crap.   Not feeling the best today.
My body is sore and hurting.  Joys of getting older, LOL

I am watching some ghost tv shows on TV.
I have been investigating the paranormal for awhile now.
Sometimes I wonder when I watch these tv shows,
Just how much of it is embellished for TV ratings…

It reminds me of an incident I had the other night.
I was sitting in the chair, and all of a sudden, I felt some hands rubbing on my head.
Kind of like a massage. Someone was definitely rubbing my head. 

The first few seconds, I was enjoying it.  It felt good!
Then it took me a few seconds, and I remembered my environment.

I thought, how in the heck can someone be behind me to rub my head.
Then I realized, there was no way someone could have been.

The rubbing felt good, but I quickly turned around and when I did
The rubbing on my head stopped, and there was NOONE around!

Like WTF just happened?
I will admit though, whatever it was rubbing my head.
Felt pretty damn good…

Well, I am going to make this a quick blog post for right now.
I wanted to document that experience.


man cave
