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Rickie Traeger : Alleged UFO near the Air Force One

Rickie Traeger

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Here is a story that I came across, That I thought I would share. 

We have all saw the tic tac UFO video.

And know that multiple reports of alleged UFO’s
are small in size and appear similar to the ones in this video.

Some are saying that it is an alleged balloon.
Some say UFO.  What do you think?

It technically is a Unidentified Flying Object.

What do you think?


Everything posted, is my personal opinion. 
For entertainment purposes only. 

Rickie TraegerI post my opinions, satire, parodies, jokes, reviews, editorials, experiences, photography,
Paranormal, controversial content, interviews, affiliate links, investigations, Freedom Of Information Act,
Tutorials, paranormal, controversial, creepy stuff, hikes, star gazing, weather, random content, etc… 

Please do your own research and form your own opinion. 1st amendment and Fair Use. 

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Rickie Traeger