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Rickie Traeger : First and foremost:  My hat goes off to TrexMobile1  For creating the content and sharing it with the world to see.  Thank You! 

Rickie Traeger

Welcome to Rickie Traeger
Personal website.

 My virtual playground…

Enter at your own risk! 

You must be 18+ or older.
To view my website. 

Feeling adventurous?
Check out a few topics you will find on my website…

Bigfoot: Myth or Reality? Investigating the Enigma

Ghostly Encounters: Firsthand Accounts and Skepticism Explored

From Aliens to Atmospheric Anomalies: Bizarre Sky Encounters

Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Lesser-Known Cryptids

Tickle Your Funny Bone

Amateur Radio Revealed: Delving into the Thrilling Hobby of HAM Radio

When Skies Turn Angry: Exploring the Impact of Severe Weather




First and foremost: 
My hat goes off to TrexMobile1 
For creating the content and sharing it with the world to see. 
Thank You! 


Like most people, I found myself browsing Youtube.
While most people are searching for the new trends,
I like to watch local stuff.

I am impressed with a lot of the local Youtube artists.

Speaking of, If you like for me to post your channel.
Send me the link:
I don’t care what it is, just as long as it is LOCAL content.

I was watching some amazing videos.
And I came across one artist.

The channel name is called:

I enjoy watching the dash camera and action camera footages from local community members.
And the content on this channel: Is exactly what I like to watch!

My hat goes off to him for bicycling in the Rockford area.
I highly recommend others to do the same, riding a bicycle!

He has posted several action and dash camera videos from the Rockford area.


His most popular video is a Rockford police officer parking in a handicap spot.
Does anyone else see a trend of Rockford PD setting a great example
for our community parking in handicap spots all the time,
With zero accountability…

Watch the video:

One of my favorite from his videos is this one:

Some of the tornado damages:

He has caught some pretty impressive stuff on camera.

I highly recommend going to his channel and hitting that subscribe button.
And watch out for some more amazing content from TrexMobile1 




Everything posted, is my personal opinion. 
For entertainment purposes only. 

Rickie TraegerI post my opinions, satire, parodies, jokes, reviews, editorials, experiences, photography,
Paranormal, controversial content, interviews, affiliate links, investigations, Freedom Of Information Act,
Tutorials, paranormal, controversial, creepy stuff, hikes, star gazing, weather, random content, etc… 

Please do your own research and form your own opinion. 1st amendment and Fair Use. 

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Rickie Traeger