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Rickie Traeger: Let the fun begin….

enter at your own risk

Welcome to Rickie Traeger
Personal website.

 My virtual playground…

Enter at your own risk! 

You must be 18+ or older
To view my website. 


What you may or may not find on Rickie Traeger website… 

  • Bigfoot: Myth or Reality? Investigating the Enigma
  • Ghostly Encounters: Firsthand Accounts and Skepticism Explored
  • From Aliens to Atmospheric Anomalies: Bizarre Sky Encounters
  • Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Lesser-Known Cryptids
  • Tickle Your Funny Bone
  • Amateur Radio Revealed: Delving into the Thrilling Hobby of HAM Radio
  • When Skies Turn Angry: Exploring the Impact of Severe Weather

Wonder what will Rickie be posting about today?  

Let’s Find Out!



Today’s goal is to get some of the paranormal pages started.
Also, some aviation and other stuff I like.
My end goal is to create a separate page for each topic.
That way it is easier for me to navigate my website.
And you too…

I have a plugin for link directories.
Basically, I can add my favorite links, into this thing.
And it will be very organized.
Well, that is how they described it.
One thing you learn doing web design…

It is never as it is described…

I should create the pages today.
Even though the pages are not completed.
I can at least organize them.
Properly organize them, lol.

I am eating a nutty bar.
OMG, these things are friggin amazing!
I do not need to be eating junk food…

I think I am going to post my streaming games on here.
Figure a way to integrate it into my website.

Anyone know how to embed a Twitch stream onto a website?
It is probably something simple, and I am overthinking it, LOL

First things first… 

Time to create the page of the topics I want as pages on my website.
And then organize them into a menu.  Let the fun begin…


man cave
