Welcome to Rickie Traeger
Personal website.
My virtual playground…
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Feeling adventurous?
Check out a few topics you will find on my website…
Bigfoot: Myth or Reality? Investigating the Enigma
Ghostly Encounters: Firsthand Accounts and Skepticism Explored
From Aliens to Atmospheric Anomalies: Bizarre Sky Encounters
Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Lesser-Known Cryptids
Amateur Radio Revealed: Delving into the Thrilling Hobby of HAM Radio
When Skies Turn Angry: Exploring the Impact of Severe Weather
MH370 Wing Found?
The alleged approx. coordinates are:
37 degrees, 16 minutes south and 139 degrees, 12 minutes east
A large White wing, believed to be from a large commercial airliner was located by fishermen.
They were fishing for alfonsino and snagged onto something large.
They struggled to bring the unknown object to the surface.
They were able to finally get the object to the surface.
And noticed it was the wing, or a large part of a commercial airliner wing.
It was too large for them to put on their boat.
So, they had to cut their $20,000.00 net!
And the wing fell back down into the shallow depths.
Allegedly hundreds of meters beyond the northern lip of a deep underwater volcanic crater.
Question is, is anybody willing to gather their resources and look further into this?
MH370: Australian sea captain says he may have found missing Malaysian Airlines flight (smh.com.au)
Everything posted, is my personal opinion.
For entertainment purposes only.
I post my opinions, satire, parodies, jokes, reviews, editorials, experiences, photography,
Paranormal, controversial content, interviews, affiliate links, investigations, Freedom Of Information Act,
Tutorials, paranormal, controversial, creepy stuff, hikes, star gazing, weather, random content, etc…
Please do your own research and form your own opinion. 1st amendment and Fair Use.