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Rickie Traeger: Todays Post Is One That I Firmly Do Not Believe In…

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Welcome to Rickie Traeger
Personal website.

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What you may or may not find on Rickie Traeger website… 

  • Bigfoot: Myth or Reality? Investigating the Enigma
  • Ghostly Encounters: Firsthand Accounts and Skepticism Explored
  • From Aliens to Atmospheric Anomalies: Bizarre Sky Encounters
  • Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Lesser-Known Cryptids
  • Tickle Your Funny Bone
  • Amateur Radio Revealed: Delving into the Thrilling Hobby of HAM Radio
  • When Skies Turn Angry: Exploring the Impact of Severe Weather

Wonder what will Rickie be posting about today?  

Let’s Find Out!


I been thinking about what I should post about today.

And this is a topic, I steer far clear away from.

And I think that is why I am going to write about it today.


Let’s get one thing straight.  Before we go any further…
I do not know much about the topic.
And it is one of the hardest topics for my brain to accept.

I do have an open mind.
And I am willing to change my opinion,
If you can prove to me that I am wrong…

Alright, let’s talk about… psychic’s and fortune tellers.

I find it really hard that someone can telepathically “see” things about others.

My opinion, these are people that do it for entertainment and profit.
They are really good at psychology and reading people’s body language and emotions.
Using generalized and vague information, letting you fill in their holes with your own emotions and opinions.

I realize that it is for entertainment.
And I do not believe it is real…

In the past I have had my own personal experiences and have talked to those who did it for entertainment.
And I do not believe the topic is real, plain and simple.

Well, there must be some kind of calling…

Yesterday, I was driving down one our main roads here in town.

The light turned Red and I stopped.  I was waiting there for the light to turn Green.
I looked over, and I saw a Tarot Reading place.

Now, I do not believe in the topic.
However, seeing the business there.
It makes me want to go in and at least give it a try, at least once…

See what happens…
When I do, I will post it on here 🙂

I may go this week or next.

See how accurate they are..

Maybe they can change my mind…

Wonder how much a reading cost these days?


man cave
