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RIP Grandma

Rickie Traeger

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Rickie Traeger
Rickie Traeger

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When Skies Turn Angry: Exploring the Impact of Severe Weather



 I am going to make this a short post. 

My grandma passed away the other day.

I want to thank everyone for their condolences.

Been a rough week.
She truly was a great person.

The grandma I was closest too.

Now she is in heaven with my grandpa.

RIP Grandma

Rickie Traeger
Rickie Traeger

Everything posted, is my personal opinion. 
For entertainment purposes only. 

Rickie TraegerI post my opinions, satire, parodies, jokes, reviews, editorials, experiences, photography,
Paranormal, controversial content, interviews, affiliate links, investigations, Freedom Of Information Act,
Tutorials, paranormal, controversial, creepy stuff, hikes, star gazing, weather, random content, etc… 

Please do your own research and form your own opinion. 1st amendment and Fair Use. 

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Rickie Traeger