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Paranormal: Captain and 1st Officer of an Airline, Spot Something Strange In The Sky Near Rockford, Illinois (UFO/UAP)

Rickie Traeger

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National UFO Reporting Center posted the following alleged UFO sighting near the Rockford, IL area.


Direct link to the source and credit: 

NUFORC Sighting 180471
Note: Two videos are in the link!


NUFORC Sighting 180471

Occurred: 2024-02-17 20:43 Local
Reported: 2024-02-17 21:37 Pacific
Duration: 38 Minutes
No of observers: 2 – Pilot – Aviation Expert

Location: Rockford, IL, USA
Location details: 25nm South of RFD VOR at 24,000ft

Shape: Light
Color: White, Orange
Estimated Size: Undetermined
Viewed From: Aircraft
Direction from Viewer: 300 degrees
Angle of Elevation: 25
Closest Distance: 25nm
Estimated Speed: Mach 2.5
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Triangle formation of lights with other lights making passes through and around the formation

I was the Captain of an airline flight from Chicago to Des Moines. Shortly after takeoff, climbing through 18,000ft to 24,000ft we saw 3 white lights appearing and disappearing in a triangular formation at very long range, bearing 300 as we flew on a heading of 270.

There were other lights, sometimes orange in color, making passes East and West through and around the formation at a very high rate of speed, sometimes climbing and descending.

One extremely bright light appeared directly ahead of us at 24,000ft at what we estimated to be 25nm range, but it is difficult to determine as we have no idea of the size of the object. It then disappeared.

We also saw and reported the same lights last night from 400nm South of our position at 34,000ft last night.

The difference in angle above our line of sight from last night’s sighting would have us estimate with a fair degree of accuracy that the formation was about 400nm North of us.

We continued seeing them, with one being bright enough that it was easily observed at only 3000ft.

This was also witnessed by my First Officer, who I was with last night as well.


We spoke via telephone at length with the witness and found him to be quite serious minded and sincere.

Direct link to the source and credit: 

NUFORC Sighting 180471
Note: Two videos are in the link!


I wanted to provide my opinion on this.

I obviously was not a direct witness, and I am only providing my opinion based on what you have all read above.
Please, do your own research and form your own opinion.

I will first begin with the witness.
The person reporting the sighting is a pilot.
A captain of an airline and his first officer.

Two people that can identify objects in the sky all night long.
But yet, they can not identify this object that they saw.

To me, a captain and a first officer of an airline flight.
Are probably one of the most reliable witnesses you can have.
And the NUFORC talked to him and said
“We spoke via telephone at length with the witness and found him to be quite serious minded and sincere.”

I think that speaks volumes for witness credibility in this incident.

I think it is safe to rule out a personal drone.
I mean, feel free to prove me wrong…

I did research on Chinese lanterns.
Pretty confident that could be ruled out as well.
Self-explanatory, but again feel free to prove me wrong…

It could possibly be a helicopter…
However, I would hope that a captain and first officer of an airline,
Would be able to recognize a helicopter…

So, I am going to rule a helicopter out of the equation.
Because I am pretty confident, they can recognize a helicopter.

Now, the possibility of it being a hot air balloon is plausible.
However, I think we can rule that out too.
Just like the helicopter. I am pretty confident they would recognize a hot air balloon.

And in the report, they estimated the speeds to be mach 2.5
Which is 1,850 MPH…
Can a helicopter, personal drone or balloon or lantern go that fast?

It there is, let me know.
I will change it over to being plausible. If there is…

I thought, the possibility of being a laser or something along that line.
But I would think that I would be able to see the laser beam, if it was…

I do have to leave that as a plausible possibility.
However, my personal opinion, I do not think it is.

I want you to watch the 2 videos in that link.
And I want you to tell me, what you think…

I am stumped…

Pretty compelling video, of something strange indeed.
But what in the world, or out of this world, is it?

Direct link to the source and credit: 

NUFORC Sighting 180471


Everything posted, is my personal opinion. 
For entertainment purposes only. 

Rickie TraegerI post my opinions, satire, parodies, jokes, reviews, editorials, experiences, photography,
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Tutorials, paranormal, controversial, creepy stuff, hikes, star gazing, weather, random content, etc… 

Please do your own research and form your own opinion. 1st amendment and Fair Use. 

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