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Rickie Traeger: My Large Bird Sighting (Possible Thunderbird)

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What you may or may not find on Rickie Traeger website… 

  • Bigfoot: Myth or Reality? Investigating the Enigma
  • Ghostly Encounters: Firsthand Accounts and Skepticism Explored
  • From Aliens to Atmospheric Anomalies: Bizarre Sky Encounters
  • Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Lesser-Known Cryptids
  • Tickle Your Funny Bone
  • Amateur Radio Revealed: Delving into the Thrilling Hobby of HAM Radio
  • When Skies Turn Angry: Exploring the Impact of Severe Weather

Wonder what will Rickie be posting about today?  

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Not many people know this, But I enjoy researching the Thunderbird topic.

I never believed in the Thunderbird thing.


Several years ago, I was out watching a strong storm come in.

I enjoy a strong storm, and I was watching this storm roll in.
You could see the distinct front line of the cell.

It had a very distinct shelf cloud to the storm cell.

I was just kicking back, enjoying the storm.
When all of a sudden in a distance I saw this large object in the sky.

The first thing that popped in my head,
the storm produced a tornado and that was debris in the sky.

But I noticed that it had intent to it, so that eliminated the debris theory.
Because whatever it was, it was riding the front line of the storm.

Now, I thought it might be a very large bird.

I thought, damn, that is one hell of a turkey vulture!
Fully thinking, by the size it was a very large turkey vulture.

As it got closer to me, it did not take me long.
I realized that it was a large bird indeed, however way larger than a turkey vulture!
Plus, it looked differently.  There went the turkey vulture theory.
I knew it was a large bird. Way larger than a turkey vulture.
And a different appearance. I just knew it was a bird, a very large bird!

If I had to guess how high it was in the sky.
A rough guess would be 400 feet.

I watched it as it glided along the front line and out of my line of sight.

Baffled by what I just witnessed. By far the biggest bird I have ever saw.
I began to look online to see what kind of bird I saw.
I was clueless to where to even begin to start looking.

So, I just went to Google and typed in large bird.
And then I went down the rabbit hole.

At the time, I had no idea what a thunderbird was.
Other than a type of vehicle from back in the day…
That was about how much knowledge I had about thunderbirds, LOL

For a while, I was not able to find what I was looking for.

Then I came across Thunderbirds.

And from what I was reading. It sounds like others saw this thing as well.
But I noticed, how rare it was for this creature to be reported.

I live in Northern Illinois.
And I noticed, a lot of the thunderbird sightings have been in my area.

In fact, several decades ago.
There was a “large bird” sighting in Caledonia, Illinois.
Which is close to where I stay at.

And another thing that caught my interest.
Some reports I saw online, were also reporting their sighting happened during a storm front.

I enjoy storms, so this piqued my interest.
For years, I have watched many storms come and go.
But never have I saw a bird that large before!

It got me thinking.
A lot of people take shelter, when storms come through.
So, a lot of people are inside and not looking up.

When I had my experience.
I decided to watch the storm, instead of seeking shelter.
Long story short.

Maybe these creatures, these large birds use the strong winds from the strong cells to fly.
Maybe it is easier for them, because of their very large size. Using the stronger winds from the storm.

Most people are looking down, down at their cell phones.
And not looking up…

One thing I do know.
I was very lucky to have saw what I saw that day.
I cannot describe it, other than it was the largest bird I have ever saw in my life.
And that it was no turkey vulture. It was way larger…

Some have described it as a Thunderbird.

After doing some research. I can say, I agree.

I will be posting more about my sighting on the actual PAGE on my website.
It has not yet been created.  I plan on creating it shortly.

So be sure to look for that PAGE and many others, in the near future!




man cave
